Saturday, February 3, 2007

Out for a Walk

Went out for a walk Saturday afternoon. This Inukshuk is about 1 km from where I am staying. Not too far but I did manage to get some frostbite on my face as it was -40 with the wind chill. I ended up covering about 3 km. The snow is packed like concrete so its easy to walk on. Even the drifts will support a persons weight. Now I know why I could never build an igloo as a kid.


JR said...

Cool photos. It's a much bigger place than I had imagined. It must be really cold, there's frost on your eyelashes. Wild...

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an adventure Steve. We're sure happy that you made it there safe and sound. We're looking forward to following you through the days ahead. It looks a little colder than those winter walks to school back in P.G.!! I now know why I like Victoria so much.

Regards from the Victoria Parks Family