Thursday, February 8, 2007

Street Hockey

The cold weather doesn't keep the local kids from enjoying Canada's game. At the time I took this photo it was -20 with a windchill of -28. It didn't dampen their spirit though. After I took this photo (I was working at the time) I stopped by to talk to the kids. They informed me that their goalie was better than Richard Brodeur. I figured I better put that assumption to the test. After a couple warm up shots which were stopped I joined in the game for a few minutes. I did manage to put one past the goalie, and no I didn't hip check the kids into the snow and then pepper spray the goalie to score.
For those that may be wondering there is a elementary school, a high school and a satellite college building here. The kids learn only in Inuktituk till grade 3 then they start taking English. Everyone here as a result is fluently bilingual. Most of the teachers here are on 3 year contracts, most are young and just out of University. For some Nunavut was the first place that offered them employment. That being said there are a few that have been up here for some time.

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