Sunday, March 4, 2007

@#$%$# Weather

Well I get spend another day in Igloolik. My flight this morning was cancelled due to weather conditions. Apparently 50' visibility, 60 km/h wind gusts and a wind chill of -60 has caused the airline to cancel today's flight. Hopefully I'll get out on Monday. On the bright side originally I was supposed to be arriving back in Comox today but having changed my plans several weeks ago this delay hasn't turned into a logistical nightmare. Ultimately as long as I get to Iqaluit by Wednesday I should still get home Thursday.

I am still planning on teaching my interdiction course in Iqaluit starting Monday but it will now start at 1:30 and run till a little later in the evening and I should be able to make up for the missed morning section. It will just mean no questions and no breaks. Well maybe a few coffee breaks.

The high speed Internet I was using to upload photo's has been down for 4 days now so I haven't been able to post any new pictures. Hopefully I'll be able to add a few of Today's weather when I get to Iqaluit. (If I get to Iqaluit, maybe I am destined for a northern post after all.) Now that I've been here more than 30 days I'll have to see if staffing will show this as a transfer when I get back. Then when they come knocking I can say I've done a LDP.

1 comment:

Jaylene Scobie said...

Hey Steve, I know this might seem a little bit random, but I grew up in Rankin Inlet with my family. My parents names are Darcy and Wendy. I remember there being a Steve who we would always see. I was really young at the time but I remember your guitar you had and all the cool stickers, and of course your big beard... well... If you are the Steve I am thinking of please get back to me as it would be nice to hear from you again. You can email me at